Ok.. to introduce the latest blog contributor in Mahsuri Blog.. here is Amiza.. snapped at my house in Langkawi during my 15th birthday.. sorry la amiza, aku tak ada gambaq hang yg terbaru..that u have to upload urself.. (hopefully with ur family). Seng Chee.. i am still waiting for ur greenlight to send u an invitation on becoming a contributor. Kengkawan means = kawan kawan = friends.
Amiza, if u dont mind,can u please enlighten who u r to seng chee??
And Seng u have the latest photo of ur self? That question is also directed to Mat kie n Amiza..i am thinking of doing something with these pics..latest..bukan zaman tok kadok punya picture la.. heheheheh
About what we think about our Chinese friends in SMM? ..for my comment, tunggu..malam nanti i will write (if the kids ever decide to sleep at all..its hot!!!!).. Mat kie n Amiza.. come on!! Show ur writing talent!! hehehe
Yes. The below pic is amiza.. i am sure now she has wrinkles, walking with a stick..trembling like an old lady by mind is directly thinking of nenek kebayan hahahahahaha jangan marahhhhhhhh nanti cepat tuaaaaaaaa!!