Sense of abandonment?
Form 3..yup..the big exam (adoi..aku lupa lak nama exam form 3 ni..apa dia yek?) somebody pls remind me.. teruknya aku...
ok..u can see my form 3 classmates in the picture below right? i mean the picture in my previous entry.. our class was supposed to be the best class in form 3 in our school... i tell you la... diaorang memang otak bergeliga...sekor sekor otakkkkkkkkk...cun sious.. the competition was there score the best ..
My chinese friends..? they have made their own plans..most of them..after the ..ah..aku dah ingat..SRP exam, they were planning to further their studies in Chung hwa chinese school in Alor Setar (if i am not mistaken..or was it near kuala kedah? )..anyway..They were planning to rent somewhere and go to school there....the chinese students do that i suppose..chung Hwa perhaps was or probably is a good reputation school among chinese.. Yup..most of my chinese friends went there for their form 4 and form 5.
The indians? indian in our class..dunno why..I cant remember having any indian friends would have been nice to..i mean i used to have indian friends back in my primary chool in kampung kastam Penang..but not in Mahsuri..
The Malays..?? Yup.. most of them scored. Quite a lot of them went to MRSM..some went to Sekolah Asrama Penuh..Some went to technical school on the mainland.. only i think less then 10 of us were destined to further our education in Mahsuri?
Did i score so badly in my SRP? Nope. I did score good results.I dunno why i was not selected to go anywhere....maybe no luck? i dunno..the point is..i did not get any offer. I was devastated. The rest went ..even my best friend uraini..(mimi the other best friend moved to alor setar after that)..and there i was...still there..feeling totally abanoned.
I furthered my form 4 n 5 in the science stream. There were only 15 of us in the stream. Normally for any school to have only that much students, that class should be closed down. I suppose our principle managed to convince the people at the ministry to let it stay open.After all..Mahsuri at that time was the only one school in langkawi with form 4 n 5. To close the science stream would be a disaster to the school image (i am just assuming this).
Anyway, i made new friends..people who joined our class from other schools like Padang Matsirat n air hangat.. since there were only 15 of us, our class were inside the form 6 building..away from the rest of the form 5 classes (social science and art stream classes).I personally think that itwas not a wise move on the admin's part coz there we were..totally separated from the rest of our batch... How were we to be able to socialize with our friends? There we were...the science stream students..supposedly to be the best (hahah i will laugh to that) and we were cut off from our friends..except for recess time (i was busy with my prefect duty anyway)..the only time we managed to exchange smiles was when we changed lab for chemistry, physcs n biology! aiyooo..ini macam macam mana nak tackle budak hensem dari kelas lain kitaorang asyik dok ushya abang form 6 ja la..(ni kira kes lain utk entry lain)..
The sense of abandonment was still there..even till the end of my secondary school life. Now that i think about it... I was there for a reason i suppose.. ada hikmah disebalik kegagalan.. just think.. if i had gone somewhere further my studies.. i would not be able to have the honour of knowing those special teachers in Mahsuri.. The school is a small town school that students have a much closer ties between teacher-student. My friends are also down to earth people...they still are..
And if i had gone to another school down on the mainland..i would not have been able to *bore* u all with my *learn a word a day* with khairul cute n pendek (the junior) sampai korang pon dah nak muntah nak dengar.. Or i would not have been able to join competitions upon competitions at the school, district, state and even national level..Instead of being in the team that won the school 3rd place in Quiz Pengetahuan Agama islam -national level..if i had gone to another school...i may not join any of those..and be just a least in Mahsuri..i think i was somebody (ni aku dok perasan sorang sorang la ni) hehehehehe
My SPM? hehe dont ask.. I think i broke the principal's heart with my result. But frankly speaking.. i did not study. True..everybody had hoped that i would score excellently..(After all i always scored almost the perfect results in all exams).. but my heart was not into the exams.. my aim was to just get enough (6 credits) to enter the course i was aiming for...Add math..aku tak pandang langsung..saja ja bagi fail.. (maybe i was rebellious inside??) Alhamdulillah..i got it..the course i was aiming looking at me..instead of a career that involves earning money..i am in a career that involves cooking, cleaning and the lot.
I am not complaining. I am happy and I think i am blessed with the life i have. And My life in S.M.Mahsuri will always be among those things i cherish most of all....we live life only once...cherish what we've least i try to..

Kat atas stage masa final quiz kat pusat islam
aku-mat G and che ros
(si azura reserve..dia masa tu duduk ngan ustazah tengok kitaorang jawab soalan)
soalan soalan tahap peringkat agama atas...kitaorang mana nak bole jawab..
Tapi kitaorang dapat masuk final sampai peringkat kebangsaan tu kira ok la kan..
lawan sekolah alam shah lagi..

Baju kaler pink berkain songket..aku dipaksa pakai tudung masa tu.
Jenuh si ustazah n azura tolong pakaikan..
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wei pompuan SRP(SIJIL RENDAH PELAJARAN) lerr..hehehe
wow touching giler citer hang simah!!hehehe...
yea la mamat..SRP..kan woi dah lama dah.mana aku nak ni SRP depa bubuh nama apa lak?
tengok la tu perli aku...oi simah touching gila cerita lepas tu hang gelak... heheh ketuk kang :0)
Tak lerr masa tue hang baru nk jadik 'ustadah'(ustazah)...hehehe boleh ke?? tapi aku respect lerr kat hang pasai hang sanggup pakai tudung tue...last2 pakai jugak! wei hang keep in touch ngan mek Zura dak?? saja tanya macam mana le budak tue sekarang!
Semlm kat pasar mala aku ada terserempak ngan C'hing Ping Ping...hang ingat lagi kerr ngan pompuan cina tue?? dah la nie bukak kedai saloon...Hmmm Ooi Li Sa bukak kedai kat Langkawi Fair....bukak kedai Jean! Seng Chee lak bukak pasaraya kesinambungan perniagaan ayah dia pasaraya Wawasan...Khairul lak kahwin Syida...dah anak sorg! Syida dah balik mengajaq kat SMK Tunku Putra...Yusmizan kat Public Bank...Aku hang tau lerr kat mana!!hehehe...Masnirah ngan Cik Ros kat melaka..Mas keje kat KPM(kolej Profesional MARA)..cik Ros lak baru Grad Master in Bussines Study ngan Mat Gie...depa la nie dok keje kat Kolej Yayasan Melaka...
mat kie..
wei..dah quiz agama islam..aku DiPAKSA pakai wei..tension aku masa tu..
si azura masa last time aku balik mesia dia baru kawin. dia ada bagi aku email addy tapi dia bagi kat aku email salah kot..bounced back.. caku ada bagi email addy aku tapi dia tak contact pon..gamaknya dia dah lupa kawan lama kot..(aku terasa sangat sangat)..paling kurang masa balik mesia tu aku ada la main sms ngan mek ah n che ros..
wei semua tu aku ingat lagi la..aku ingat lagi aku tengok gambaq kawin oi li sa.. banyak gila tukaq baju.. kimono la.. korea la.. Ch'ng ping pon aku ingat...
wei!! khairul sejak bila lak bercinta ngan shida?? hang tak promote blog kita ka kat depa depa? che ros n mek ah aku tau..yusmizan dah kawin ka? si mat gie tu bini dia dah beranak dah kan? promote blog ni promote mat kie..
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