i found this among the rare pics i have of my form 3 classmates..and guess what? on the back..there are signatures as well!! Now that i think of it...how come i dont remember having an indian friend in mahsuri? Is it me or were there no indians in that school?? Friends..do u remember?
Wow!! respect giler bila hang scan pic kita masa form 3 siap di belakang ada sign lagi mmg aku terkedu siout!! bukan ape sign aku antara di tengah2 pic...masih clear lagi....hmmm semlm aku ada jumpa Loke Seng Chee...tapi tak sempat sembang panjang...nanti aku promotekan blog kita nie!!
aku la ni dah ada scanner kat rumah..biasa la..main scan scan la selalu aku hehehe
aku tak dah gambaq lama dah.. sikit ja..tu pon mcm mana ntah..aku teranggkut mai turki..
promote mat kie..promote..si seng chee la ni buat apa kat langkawi tu? dia kerja ngan bapak dia ka?
Hi shimah,
It has been such a long time. sorry to get in your gossip king n gossip queen's way by the way.
Really good to know that u are still sound and kicking.
It feels great to retrieve those gila memory back.
Just a note to say HI and u still look the same.
Seng Chee
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